Virtual Internship Opportunity

Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU)
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
1/1 project matches
Dates set by projects
Payment by employer C$18.00 / hour
Preferred companies
Social Enterprise, Small to medium enterprise, Family-Owned
Business services, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Marketing & advertising, Business & management, Media & production, Technology, Banking & finance, It & computing, Sports & fitness

Experience scope

Accounting Communications Market research Product or service launch Marketing strategy
communication research computer skills math
Learner goals and capabilities

Looking to elevate your organization, and be more inclusive of diverse employees? Bring on a student from Kwantlen Polytechnic University in the Access Program for People with Disabilities to be your virtual intern, in a project-based experience. The student will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.

Project examples/positions that student can complete may include, but are not limited to:

  • IT support
  • Web Developer
  • Data entry
  • Online Research

The student preference is for paid part-time positions (up to 20 hours per week).

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, student placements will only occur virtually.


Continuing Education
Any level
200 hours per learner
Learners apply to projects
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Students in APPD are dedicated and eager to work. They are hard working and reliable and contribute to team projects. They are willing to train for any job they have and know how to communicate their strengths and needs.

Project Examples


The student is a recent graduate of KPU's Access Program for People with Disabilities. APPD is an employability skill development and community engagement program. The student has identified their interest in working in an online environment on projects such as: website development, research, IT support or data entry. They are able to research independently and to use a variety of online platforms effectively. They are fluent in HTML and CSS. They could do a project on designing a website, supporting a marketing or administration team, or protection from online threats.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox